Friday, 12 November 2021

211107 - Testimony - Read it in Church

 The verbal expression of my testimony is never enough. I am so underwhelmed by what I hear myself say, and yet it is still my best effort. So I must keep practicing. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, and the more I know of His premortal, mortal, and post mortal life the more I love and trust Him. He was the great Jehovah of the Old Testament and the God the family of Lehi, and Nephi, and prophets through the generations on this continent. He came to Earth, lived perfectly, taught the truths of eternity, performed miracles, established His church and most importantly atoned for me and for us. He gave his life to overcome physical and spiritual death. He did it. 

I believe Jesus Christ was resurrected and that He appeared to those He had loved in life. I believe the words of the Book of Mormon that speak of His visits to the people in Bountiful. He entrusted to the Apostles He chose there, the same priesthood power to baptize and to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. 

I believe the words of Joseph Smith that he recorded as his First Vision. That he truly saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, that in their appearance to him, he became the prophet of the restoration. I believe he received from relevant angels keys of priesthood authority and that they have been legitimately passed through apostles and prophets to President Nelson our prophet today.

I believe that President Nelson leads the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints under the direct supervision of Jesus Christ. 

My testimony comes as a result of personal revelation, gathered, and organized over time through the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. I believe anyone can gain and grow in their own testimony by opening themselves to the influence of the Holy Ghost, I am truly grateful for the gift of repentance that allows us to grow in faith and purifies us to access the Holy Ghost. My testimony brings me peace and contentment and hope for the future, even my eternal future. 

I share this testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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